Shining Force (USA)
Shining Force Code Triche
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ID du jeu | |
Format | pat |
Rom compatible | Shining Force (Traduit en FR) (Megadrive) |
Liste des Cheat Codes
Taille : 9 kio
RZGT-E61J Infinite money AJXT-EA94 Infinite MP CKNT-F0A8 Medical Herb restores all party members HP HBNT-F0A8 Using a Medical Herb gives all party members Turbo Pepper HFNT-F0A8 Using a Medical Herb gives all party members Bread of Life CKNT-F0BR Healing Seed restores all party members HP HBNT-F0BR Using a Healing Seed gives all party members Turbo Pepper HFNT-F0BR Using a Healing Seed gives all party members Bread of Life HBNT-F0B8 Using an Antidote gives all party members Turbo Pepper HFNT-F0B8 Using an Antidote gives all party members Bread of Life 93NT-F93E Buy a Medical Herb for $10 with code disabled, enable and sell it for $49,150 FBPA-EAH6 Makes the Middle Sword much more powerful FBPT-EAA6 Makes the Steel Sword much more powerful EPPT-EAHN Makes the Spear much more powerful EPPT-EAFN Makes the Steel Lance much more powerful EFRA-EAA6 Makes the Hand Axe much more powerful EPRA-EADN Makes the Wooden Staff much more powerful EPRA-EAGN Makes the Wooden Arrow much more powerful 931T-CACN All shops have all items in the game for sale (do not buy the $1542 item) AKYT-CA8G If you don't have enough money to buy something, you get it for free ABNT-EADE Angel Wing is free (instead of $40) ABNT-EACE Antidote is free (instead of $20) ABPT-EABY Broad Sword is free (instead of $4800) ABPT-EAFE Bronze Lance is free (instead of $300) ABRT-EAAE Buster Shot is free (instead of $12,400) ABPT-EAGE Chrome Lance is free (instead of $4500) ABPA-EAGY Great Axe is free (instead of $10,000) ABRA-EABE Hand Axe is free (instead of $200) ABNT-EABY Healing Seed is free (instead of $200) ABRA-EAEY Holy Staff is free (instead of $8000) ABPT-EAAE Middle sword is free (instead of $250) ABRA-EAAE Power Spear is free (instead of $900) ABRA-EAFE Power Staff is free (instead of $500) ABPA-EAHY Short Sword is free (instead of $100) ABPT-EAHY Spear is free (instead of $150) ABPT-EABE Steel Sword is free (instead of $2500) ABRA-EAGY Wooden Arrows are free (instead of $320) ABRA-EADY Wooden Staff is free (instead of $80) GKJT-FEMA Hero - start with 50 Att, Def GKJT-FEMC Hero - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKJT-EADG Hero - start with 50 HP GKJT-EADJ Hero - start with 50 max HP GKJT-FEML Hero - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLT-FELJ Adam - start with 50 Att, Def GKLT-FELL Adam - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLT-EACR Adam - start with 50 HP GKLT-EACT Adam - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FELW Adam - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKT-FEJ2 Alef - start with 50 Att, Def GKKT-FEJ4 Alef - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKT-EAA8 Alef - start with 50 HP GKKT-EABA Alef - start with 50 max HP GKKT-FEKC Alef - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FEPJ Amon - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FEPL Amon - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAFR Amon - start with 50 HP GKLA-EAFT Amon - start with 50 max HP GKLA-FEPW Amon - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FEST Anri - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FESW Anri - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EAH0 Anri - start with 50 HP GKKA-EAH2 Anri - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FES4 Anri - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FELT Arthur - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FELW Arthur - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EAC0 Arthur - start with 50 HP GKKA-EAC2 Arthur - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FEL4 Arthur - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FERT Balbaroy - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FERW Balbaroy - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAG0 Balbaroy - start with 50 HP GKLA-EAG2 Balbaroy - start with 50 max HP GKLA-FER4 Balbaroy - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLT-FEKA Bleu - start with 50 Att, Def GKLT-FEKC Bleu - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLT-EABG Bleu - start with 50 HP GKLT-EABJ Bleu - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FEKL Bleu - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FEKT Diane - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FEKW Diane - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAB0 Diane - start with 50 HP GKLA-EAB2 Diane - start with 50 max HP GKLA-FEK4 Diane - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKT-FEMJ Domingo - start with 50 Att, Def GKKT-FEML Domingo - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKT-EADR Domingo - start with 50 HP GKKT-EADT Domingo - start with 50 max HP GKKT-FEMW Domingo - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FEKJ Earnest - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FEKL Earnest - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EABR Earnest - start with 50 HP GKKA-EABT Earnest - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FEKW Earnest - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FEJJ Gong - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FEJL Gong - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAAR Gong - start with 50 HP GKLA-EAAT Gong - start with 50 max HP GKLA-FEJW Gong - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FEM2 Gort - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FEM4 Gort - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EAD8 Gort - start with 50 HP GKKA-EAEA Gort - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FENC Gort - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FERJ Guntz - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FERL Guntz - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EAGR Guntz - start with 50 HP GKKA-EAGT Guntz - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FERW Guntz - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FEL2 Hans - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FEL4 Hans - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAC8 Hans - start with 50 HP GKLA-EADA Hans - start with 50 max HP GKLA-FEMC Hans - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLT-FERA Hanzou - start with 50 Att, Def GKLT-FERC Hanzou - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLT-EAGG Hanzou - start with 50 HP GKLT-EAGJ Hanzou - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FERL Hanzou - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLT-FESJ Jogurt - start with 50 Att, Def GKLT-FESL Jogurt - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLT-EAHR Jogurt - start with 50 HP GKLT-EAHT Jogurt - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FESW Jogurt - start with 50 MP, max MP GKJT-FER2 Ken - start with 50 Att, Def GKJT-FER4 Ken - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKJT-EAG8 Ken - start with 50 HP GKJT-EAHA Ken - start with 50 max HP GKJT-FESC Ken - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKT-FEP2 Khris - start with 50 Att, Def GKKT-FEP4 Khris - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKT-EAF8 Khris - start with 50 HP GKKT-EAGA Khris - start with 50 max HP GKKT-FERC Khris - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FES2 Kokichi - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FES4 Kokichi - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAH8 Kokichi - start with 50 HP GKLT-EAAA Kokichi - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FEJC Kokichi - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKT-FENT Lowe - start with 50 Att, Def GKKT-FENW Lowe - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKT-EAE0 Lowe - start with 50 HP GKKT-EAE2 Lowe - start with 50 max HP GKKT-FEN4 Lowe - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FEPA Luke - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FEPC Luke - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EAFG Luke - start with 50 HP GKKA-EAFJ Luke - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FEPL Luke - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLA-FENA Lyle - start with 50 Att, Def GKLA-FENC Lyle - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLA-EAEG Lyle - start with 50 HP GKLA-EAEJ Lyle - start with 50 max HP GKLA-FENL Lyle - start with 50 MP, max MP GKJT-FENJ Mae - start with 50 Att, Def GKJT-FENL Mae - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKJT-EAER Mae - start with 50 HP GKJT-EAET Mae - start with 50 max HP GKJT-FENW Mae - start with 50 MP, max MP 3PJT-EBXW Max - start with Egress 1, Heal 1, Heal 2, Heal 3, Heal Bolt 1, Bolt 2, Bolt 3, and Bolt 4 magic spells 3KJT-EDXW Max - start with Egress 1, Aura 1, Aura 2, Aura 3, Aura Freeze 1, Freeze 2, Freeze 3, and Freeze 4 magic spells 2BJT-EXXW Max - start with Egress 1, Blaze 1, Blaze 2, Blaze 3, Blaze 4, Heal 1, Heal 2, Heal 3, and Heal 4 magic spells 97JT-F9DR Max - start a new game with the Long Sword AFJT-F9DR Max - start a new game with the Long Sword and a Healing Seed APJT-F9DR Max - start a new game with the Long Sword and the Shower of Cure BFJT-F9DR Max - start a new game with the Long Sword and the Bread of Life BBJT-F9DR Max - start a new game with the Long Sword and the Turbo Pepper S3JT-F9DR Max - start a new game with the Long Sword and the Buster Shot (you can sell the Buster Shot for $9300) AFJT-ECDT Max - start a new game with 2 Healing Seeds APJT-EGDT Max - start a new game with 2 Shower of Cures BFJT-EWDT Max - start a new game with 2 Bread of Lifes S3JT-F65T Max - start a new game with 2 Buster Shots GKLT-FEN2 Musashi - start with 50 Att, Def GKLT-FEN4 Musashi - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLT-EAE8 Musashi - start with 50 HP GKLT-EAFA Musashi - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FEPC Musashi - start with 50 MP, max MP GKJT-FEPT Pelle - start with 50 Att, Def GKJT-FEPW Pelle - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKJT-EAF0 Pelle - start with 50 HP GKJT-EAF2 Pelle - start with 50 max HP GKJT-FEP4 Pelle - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKT-FELA Tao - start with 50 Att, Def GKKT-FELC Tao - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKT-EACG Tao - start with 50 HP GKKT-EACJ Tao - start with 50 max HP GKKT-FELL Tao - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKT-FESA Torasu - start with 50 Att, Def GKKT-FESC Torasu - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKT-EAHG Torasu - start with 50 HP GKKT-EAHJ Torasu - start with 50 max HP GKKT-FESL Torasu - start with 50 MP, max MP GKKA-FEJA Vankar - start with 50 Att, Def GKKA-FEJC Vankar - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKKA-EAAG Vankar - start with 50 HP GKKA-EAAJ Vankar - start with 50 max HP GKKA-FEJL Vankar - start with 50 MP, max MP GKLT-FEMT Zylo - start with 50 Att, Def GKLT-FEMW Zylo - start with 50 Mov, Agi GKLT-EAD0 Zylo - start with 50 HP GKLT-EAD2 Zylo - start with 50 max HP GKLT-FEM4 Zylo - start with 50 MP, max MP
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