Light Crusader (USA)

Light Crusader Code Triche

Codes Light Crusader
Section Cheat Codes Megadrive
ID du jeu
Format pat
Rom compatible Light Crusader (Traduit en FR) (Megadrive)

Liste des Cheat Codes

Taille : 882 octets
ATBT-AA7T	Master Code
AJBT-AA7N	Master Code (alt)
R1RT-A61L	Infinite Magic
AL4A-CA84	Infinite Gold
F1ST-ATCW	Infinite Boots effect
AJDA-CA7N	Take no damage from most enemies
AAVT-CAFW	Take no damage from floor spikes or flames shooting out of pillars
BART-CA9C	One hit kills
AESA-DA5E	One hit kills most enemies
AL4T-CA4A	Items in shops are free
G6TA-CAF4	Any Heal methods (Food or Magic) restores full HP
A1RA-AABJ	Jump higher when the Jump Boots are not equipped
A5RA-AABJ	Jump much higher when the Jump Boots are not equipped
BKJA-AA3J	Walk through locked doors and barriers
DKTT-BT8T	Long Sword is 5x stronger
96ZT-F99A	Start with all equipment (1 of 2)
96ZT-F99C	Start with all equipment (2 of 2)
E60A-EGJ2	Start with Sextant and Boots
G60A-FLJ4	Start with Costume and Crest
3A0A-EADA	Start a new game with twice as much health
96ZT-F99Y	Start with max gold

Comment utiliser ces Cheat Codes?

Nous avons regroupé tous les codes listés ci-dessus dans un fichier au format pat.

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